The Orchestras

Orchestra at TJ is a full-year curricular program, which meets 40 minutes on Mondays (Anchor Days) and 95 minutes on Tuesday/Thursday (Blue Days) or Wednesday/Friday (Red Days). We have two orchestras: symphonic and philharmonia, both of whom play at advanced levels. Both groups play four concerts per academic year: one in the fall, one in the winter, District XI Assessment, and one in the spring. We do not use practice logs or explicit playing tests, students are graded on their performance and development in class and at concerts.

Being a member of TJ Orchestra also affords you musical opportunities outside of the class itself. You can audition for Senior District Orchestra (SDO) and Senior Regional Orchestra (SRO), as well as participating in District XI Solo & Ensemble. Additionally, being enrolled in Orchestra meets the music program requirement for membership in the TJ chapter of the Tri-M Music Honor Society and fulfills the fine arts credit towards graduation. Being a member of Orchestra is a great way to add balance to your otherwise stressful TJ schedule while also being part of a community of dedicated musicians.


Philharmonia is the larger orchestra ensemble, and the first time you hear Philharmonia all playing together, the sheer power of their sound is something to behold. Philharmonia play a diverse array of pieces (not songs!) that cover a variety of keys, styles, time periods (among other considerations) at a VBODA 4/5 grade level.


Symphonic is the smaller orchestra ensemble for more experienced players. Symphonic tends to focus on the classical repertoire at a VBODA 6/6+ grade level and placement in Symphonic requires an audition for Ms. Bailey. They also constitute the string sections of the Jefferson Symphony Orchestra, and play in various events.