Welcome to TJ Orchestra

Interested in joining orchestra?

Welcome to prospective students and the Class of 2028! This website is where you can find all things TJ orchestra. We would love for you to join our orchestra family next year! Please follow the steps below:

  1. Fill out this form even if you haven’t been accepted to TJ yet, so Ms. Bailey can communicate with you! Filling out this form does not indicate a commitment; it is just to establish communication.
  2. Sign up for Orchestra when doing course selections and you will immediately be enrolled! That’s it! As soon as you sign up for orchestra, you’re in!
  3. All students are initially placed in Philharmonia without audition. Again: if you sign up you’re in! If you wish to be considered for our top group (Symphonic), you will need to audition.
PHILHARMONIA  (advanced: grade 4/5)  SYMPHONIC (most advanced: grade 6/6+)
• No audition required. If you sign up, you’re in!

• ALL new orchestra students are initially placed in this ensemble

• This course receives a 0.5 honors grade bump

• See Audition Info & Music for ensemble and audition information.

• Students who wish to audition for Symphonic may do so, but please note that it is rare to be placed there as a freshman. Students are always welcome to audition for Symphonic in future years if they wish.

• This course receives a 0.5 honors grade bump

Still have questions? Click here for answers to commonly asked questions!

Local Strings Shops

If you need to rent or buy an instrument, here’s some information about local shops where you can do that.


Below is this year’s calendar if you would like to get an idea of our activities. The orchestra calendar is also reflected under the Calendar page.

Any questions? You can contact our director Ms. Bailey at akbailey@fcps.edu.